Find us on Facebook - Contact us: 07852585132 Coventry Music  CM Rehearsal Studios Contact us: 07852585132

“Coventry’s Finest Rehearsal Rooms…..!!”

(Require minimum 48hrs notice via call or text message for cancellation or you will be charged for the booking) (Link to our old Facebook page no longer accessible due to hack on old account)

                               All our rooms include:

       - Yamaha 8 channel PA systems with microphones + microphone stands

       - Full Drum kit (cymbals and snare hired separately for just £6.50 per session)

       - Combo bass guitar amplifier 4x10

       - 2 Guitar amplifiers with separate 4x10 guitar cabinets

(Minimum 48hrs notice required for cancellation or you will be charged for the room hire)
(Link to our old Facebook page no longer accessible due to hack on old account)